A Trip to Napels

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect of our trip to Napels, and looking back on the trip the first thing I’d mention would be the noise. There was hardly a quiet moment during our stay: talking, laughing, shouting, honking, whistling, motors, music. It seemed to never stop. Naples was founded by the Greeks and […]

A Day in Pompeii

I’ve always been interested in history, and I remember begging for any and all books in the Eyewitness Book collection. I still have the ones I received and one was “Ancient Rome” and the other “Mummy”. Put both of them together and every since I held those books in my hand, I have wanted to […]

Villa Necchi Campiglio

Often times it’s the unexpected things which turn out to be the hidden gems. On a recent trip to Milan with a dear friend, we happened upon the Villa Necchi Campilio, a lovely surprise. Our feet were weary and we were looking forward to sitting in a quiet garden for a while when we found […]